Direct guidance instruction is delivered through individual meetings, but most often through Classroom Guidance Lessons and Guidance Classes.

Guidance Classes

Senior Seminar

All 12th grade students are required to take Senior Seminar unless they’ve received permission to opt out. The Senior Seminar course is intended to prepare students for their post-secondary plans. In the Fall semester, the focus will be on the plans each individual student has for after graduation. Whether it’s college, a gap year, or another program. They will have time in class to work on the next item in their to-do list while being able to ask the guidance counselor questions or for help as they are working. If they cannot work on the next item in their to-do list, they can study for upcoming standardized tests (SAT or ACT) or read chapters from books addressing adulthood and college. By the end of the fall semester, students should have completed all applications for entry into their chosen program(s), prepared for and taken at least one standardized test (if necessary), and begun the process of searching for financial aid (if necessary). This semester of Senior Seminar is required for all students unless they are applying to a program that does not have an intensive application process.

In the Spring semester, the focus will be on preparing for the transition to their post-graduation  programs. Students will explore how culture has influenced them internally and externally. They will consider the positives of living cross-culturally. They will be made aware of the typical challenges that present themselves during transition between countries and cultures. They will consider  and discuss how to manage these challenges positively. They will consider how their individual personality types have influenced their lives and will help or hinder them as they face transition and adulthood. This semester of Senior Seminar is required for all students unless they are not planning to move to a different country for their post-graduation plans.

Study Skills

Each year, 6th students take a Study Skills Class. The 6th grade Study Skills course is intended to help students through their transition from Elementary School to Secondary School. The goals are to help students to develop levels of responsibility, organization, and academic achievement that are appropriate for Middle School. Students will be instructed in the following: 

  • Keeping their school binder and locker organized 
  • Maintaining an agenda 
  • Keeping track of their belongings 
  • Transitioning between classes 
  • Managing their time well
  • Completing homework assignments well and in a timely manner
  • Studying well for assessments
  • Setting academic goals and working towards hem

After the initial instruction, students will practice each of these throughout the year under the supervision of a guidance counselor/teacher. The counselor/teacher will use a variety of guidance lessons and study hall time to encourage practices that are helpful to the students. Students will receive one lesson each week and have study hall time during the rest of the week.

Classroom Guidance Lessons

Classroom Guidance Lessons are given throughout the school year to each secondary grade that cover topics related to academic success, college and career planning, and social and emotional concerns. Many of these lessons are given the Guidance Department is notified of the need to address a particular topic with a specific group of students. However, each year, the following Guidance Lessons are given:

  • Introduction to High School (8th grade)
  • Excelling in High School (9th grade)
  • Personality Assessments (9th grade)
  • Career Assessments (10th grade)
  • Career Exploration (10th grade)
  • Determining College Fit (11th grade)
  • Creating a College List (11th grade)
  • Setting and Achieving Goals (all grades)