We are excited to be moving forward with a dream that began over 20 years ago! Almost as soon as students moved into the new building in Camarma, the dream for a protected area for sports and other events began to form. It is now becoming a reality as we partner with BATSPAIN to provide a weather-resistant space for our school by this summer and for years to come. Our encumbered fund for this project has been growing thanks to various fundraisers over the years (maybe you were even part of Dream Big), and we are excited that TEAM has offered a $50,000 matching grant starting at our 50th anniversary last year! 

We need to raise the remaining 110,000 euros to complete this project. Would you please consider making a donation, knowing that whatever you can contribute will be doubled up to the first 50,000 euros and will help bless future ECA students and the community around us. 

There are 2 ways to give and have your gift matched: 

When you give through TEAM, you will be able to receive a tax-deductible receipt. 

You may also give directly to ECA, which saves the 5% administrative fee, but ECA cannot give tax-deductible receipts.